Ditch Your Goals - Change Your Focus And Change Your Results In 2019
If you're like 80% of the population, the chances are that that burning sense of motivation you felt on January 1st has dwindled...

Hitting Your Fitness Goals In 2018
'Do what you like' How many times have you heard that line from someone and started to proceed with caution, knowing that they don't...

Accountability - The Key To Success
The first Get Lifting 6 Week Transformation Challenge begins next Monday. Registration is closed and we have a group of people that are...

4 Exercises For A Better Bum
Who doesn't like a good bum? Both men and women (trust me guys!) love judging attractiveness by the shape and size of one's derrière....

Mental Elf
RELAX... this is not a Christmas themed post (if you're already excited for Christmas though, there is a picture of an Elf so feel free...

Blood, Sweat, Beers and Tears - 3 Peaks Recap
This weekend saw me jet off to Scotland with family members to complete The 3 Peaks Challenge, raising money for Cancer Research. After...

Training For The 3 Peaks Challenge
I'm attempting the 3 Peaks challenge in 10 days time and today marked my first day of training. I'm fundraising for Cancer Research in...

Is Your Office Job Damaging Your Health?
How many times have you uttered the words 'this job will be the death of me', well it could be! The BBC reported earlier this month that...

Train Like Bane, Look Insane
Altitude masks - a fitness fad that has largely passed. Even so you still get a few people that train in these, believing that they are...

Personal Training: More Than Meets The Eye
A lot of people enter the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer due to the seemingly appealing lifestyle and the fact it looks like an...